Code of Ethics
This policy outlines the Company’s ethical stance towards carrying out business and helps to communicate this to all our people and other stakeholders. The Company is committed to ensuring its business is conducted in all respects according to rigorous ethical, professional and legal standards.
This policy is applied in conjunction with the Company’s anti-bribery and anti-slavery policies and the current Company People Handbook. It applies to all members of the Company and the Company expects equivalent standards of conduct from its business partners.
The Company’s standards of business conduct are intertwined with our values:
- Ambitious – be brave and achieve great things
- Creative – think differently and try something new
- Care – love what you do and do what is right
Doing what is right means:
- Working for the good of all we interact with
- A commitment to fair, honest and transparent business practices, both internally and externally
- Adhering to the highest standards of professional behaviour and always acting with integrity and fairness
- Respecting the confidentiality of information entrusted to the Company
- Obeying the rule of law
- Ensuring we adhere to the Editorial Code and all other codes we work under
Failure to comply with the Company’s standards of business conduct will be taken seriously and, depending upon the circumstances, could result in dismissal or other disciplinary action for individuals and termination of relationships with business partners.
Upholding our standards of business conduct is one of the primary means by which we live our core values. Supporting excellent standards of business conduct is important for us as we seek to conduct our business in a socially responsible manner. Our reputation is one of our most valuable assets and maintaining high standards ensures continued client and supplier trust in us.
Our people are actively encouraged to make suggestions or raise serious business concerns (please refer to our whistleblowing policy). No one will be criticised or penalised for any loss of business which may result from adherence to these standards of business conduct. We operate a compliance helpline for anyone to report behaviour which falls short of our high standards or where someone has a concern about our business practices or wishes to complain. This helpline is open to all our people, clients, suppliers or other stakeholders and can be found here.
Fair, honest and transparent business practices
Our people will:
- Provide our clients with a service hallmarked by integrity, quality and care
- Deal with client complaints seriously and promptly
- Not make misrepresentations to anyone
- Promptly correct any misunderstandings if they are thought to have taken place through unclear communicationNot make Company donations to political parties or for political causes
- Never make any other improper payments such as bribes (whether illegal or customary in the area of business concerned)
- Avoid situations in which financial or other personal interests or dealings are or may conflict with the interests of the Company. When it is impossible to avoid such conflicts of interest, we will ensure these are clearly disclosed to a member of the board
- Seek advice from our line manager in cases where a potential conflict of interest might occur e.g. any business or financial arrangements with a family member, an associate, a friend or close acquaintance who conducts business with the Company. Another example would be holding more than 1% of shares in a competitor or a company which introduces business, or supplies goods or services, to the Company
- Respect and comply with business partners’ contracts. For example, where possible, pay business partners within the timeframe agreed in the contract, comply with non-disclosure of information, comply with terms of license to use products such as the prohibition of unlicensed copying of computer software, etc
- Not give or accept money, gifts, entertainment, loans or any other benefit or preferential treatment from any existing or potential client, supplier or business associate of the Company, other than occasional gifts of a modest value and entertainment on a modest scale as part of customary business practice (please see our anti-bribery policy for more clarification)
- Not make gifts or provide entertainment that place the recipient under any obligation and which are capable of being misconstrued (if in doubt, please consult your line manager who will decide on the action to take). Procedures for recording hospitality and gifts offered to and taken by anyone at the Company will be maintained. Please refer to the Faversham House anti-bribery policy
As a Company, in our relationships with our people, we will:
- Maintain and adhere to good HR policies
- Give equal respect, consideration and opportunities to all our people
- Treat colleagues, clients and suppliers in the same transparent manner
- Not tolerate sexual, physical or mental harassment
- Select individuals for employment and promotion based on ability and experience, free from discrimination
- Protect the Company’s electronic communication equipment (including email, internet, file storage) from unauthorised external access or use
- Never use the Company’s electronic communication equipment for sending or receiving illegal, offensive, harmful or obscene materials
- Implement sound financial and management practices to ensure security of employment for our people. In the unfortunate event the Company must make redundancies, we will communicate clearly and sensitively following best practice. We will try to minimise the potentially negative impacts by offering assistance and resources to find new employment for those affected
Confidentiality of information
We will follow these guidelines to ensure confidentiality of information:
- Unless proper authority is given, no one should access, modify, disclose or make use of any confidential customer data, or Company, personal or supplier data for any purpose other than legitimately carrying out work-related duties
- We will act with integrity towards information obtained and held on behalf of the Company and be on guard to avoid careless or inadvertent disclosures which may damage the Company’s business or that of its clients, suppliers or people
- Ensure any breach which has occurred is reported, investigated and appropriate action taken
- Respect the privacy of our people’s data and utilise it only for legitimate business reasons
- Use data in compliance with GDPR and other relevant regulations and laws
Obeying the rule of law
- Ensure all actions as a minimum are within the rule of law
- Each of us must act within the letter and spirit of the laws and regulations affecting our business
- Faversham House expects all its people to observe and comply with all laws and regulations in the course and scope of their employment
Ensure we adhere to the IPSO Editorial Code of Practice
- Our editorial team will receive compulsory, regular training on the IPSO Editorial Code of Practice, a link can be found here and on the legal framework for ethical journalism
- We will monitor and investigate fully at any point we consider the Code may have been breached
The use of AI
We recognise the enormous potential responsible use of AI can deliver. We also recognise the need for specific guidelines to ensure its ethical and positive use. Please see our policy here.
Asking for guidance and raising concerns
This policy provides guidelines to represent standards of conduct that every individual in Faversham House is expected to follow. If you are in a situation that is not specifically described here, or if for any reason you feel uncertain about something you intend to do while conducting business on behalf of Faversham House please speak with your line manager, a director or CEO.
Acting within authority
In representing Faversham House and acting on Faversham House’s behalf you are responsible for ensuring you are acting within the scope of the authority Faversham House has granted to you based upon your job responsibilities. If you have any questions about the scope of your authority, please contact your manager. Faversham House people are not permitted to use their positions at Faversham House to advocate non-company interests.
Certain activities – such as providing gifts, political contributions, entertainment and travel related benefits or facilitating payments can violate anti-bribery laws. Please refer to our anti-bribery policy for further detail on this.